Industry Action Plan for Night Deck Landing Practice
The Industry Action Plan outlines opportunities for systemic improvements for routine night deck landing practice identified by reviewing two recent accidents.
“This Industry Action Plan is an important step towards a safer frontline, by illustrating the benefits – principally, learning opportunities – that are achievable through an increasingly open and responsive industry.
“The approach proposed in the paper is not designed to replace existing industry and organisational investigation protocols, but is instead intended to go beyond minimum regulation and foster what can be difficult conversations. Only through open and responsive conversations can we share data, strategies and solutions to improve our collective safety performance.”
- Tim Rolfe, HeliOffshore CEO
Industry Action Plan for Night Deck Landing Practice
The paper outlines opportunities for systemic improvements for routine night deck landing practice identified by reviewing two recent accidents.
The report identifies fifteen common factors to both events, which naturally fall into six broad themes, leading to 21 improvement opportunities. In the majority of cases, these opportunities require a collaborative approach between multiple stakeholders to gain the maximum benefit to industry safety performance.
The Industry Action Plan was developed in collaboration with the International Association of Oil and Gas producers (IOGP).