Flight Path Management (FPM)

HeliOffshore enables experienced helicopter pilots to prepare flight path management guidelines to address challenges posed by offshore operations. These guidelines help make better use of automation, while enhancing safety and standardisation across the industry.


Flight Path Management (FPM)

Flight Path Management (‘FPM’) refers to all aspects of aircraft movement. HeliOffshore’s latest report, Version 4.0, builds on earlier versions with enhanced guidance in key areas:

  • Expanded recommendations for offshore stabilised approaches

  • Updated automation guidance

  • New recommendations for conducting Offshore Standard Approach Procedures (OSAPs) and operating to moving helidecks

  • Refined layout to improve ease of use

  • Threat and Error Management (TEM) and Surprise and Startle briefing sheets


Line Training System (LTS)


Helicopter Flight Data Monitoring (HFDM)