New Helideck InfoShare Launched

Today (Thursday 14th May 2020) HeliOffshore launched the Helideck InfoShare – a confidential reporting system to help stakeholders share, and learn from, Helideck operational incidents to support our mission that no lives are lost in offshore aviation. 

The Helideck InfoShare system enables members to anonymously submit events and experiences, from which others can learn, to collaboratively improve safety for the whole industry.

Acting CEO François Lassale said: “HeliOffshore has pioneered a collaborative method to bring people together despite their competitive, geographical and technical differences. 

We particularly pay attention to the interfaces between global stakeholders.  Helidecks are an operational ‘junction point’ between the helicopter operator, the oil and gas operator and the helideck owner.  It is essential we share the events and experiences that occur at this point so our collaborative efforts are more effective and really do enhance global safety performance.”

Patrick Bosman, one of the Helideck Working Group leaders, added: “Helideck Infoshare ensures safety information is not siloed, not lost in organisational complexities.  By creating a common reporting point, available to all, we ensure the right information, gets to the right place, at the right time, to make the biggest difference for safety.  This is an exciting milestone for our group and for HeliOffshore’s collaborative effort.”

In addition to existing HeliOffshore members, the Helideck InfoShare system can be accessed by relevant contributors, such as IOGP members, so the very best information is available to improve safety throughout the industry.  Please contact HeliOffshore Safety Intelligence Programme Manager, Matt Greaves ( if you are interested in benefitting from this initiative.

The Helideck InfoShare system builds on the same platform used for the existing Operator InfoShare system which was established in 2015.  The whole InfoShare system forms part of the HeliOffshore Safety Intelligence Programme (HSIP) and protects the anonymity of participants through the use of strict protocols.


HeliOffshore Conference 2020 Highlights


Hank Williams and Jeremy Akel Appointed to HeliOffshore Board